Small Town "Movers & Shakers"
~ By: Shawn Hart ~
I'm on a nationwide hunt for what I call "Small Town Movers and Shakers"

If you know of an outstanding young entrepreneur who deserves to be featured in my latest book American Hustle, then please let me know who it is and how to contact them by EMAILING ME HERE
"Hustlers" We all know one… You know that guy or gal from your small town who makes things happen.

He always seems to be hustling and everything he touches turns to GOLD.

 You know that gal down the street that's always buying a new car and seems to have more money than she deserves?

What we often don't know is that our neighborhood hustlers are working day and night making things happen and refusing to take no for an answer.

Your local "mover & shaker" is often thought of as "doing something sinister or illegal" because folks just don't understand what drives them.

Who is he? Where could she be hiding?

I want to know her, I want to interview him for inclusion into my latest book and soon to be movie "American Hustle"  

~ Shawn Hart

Short Film Coming Soon...

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